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"Every working IoT solution starts with a plan that works: first crawl, learn how to walk next, then start running to IoT success..."

The AnyBridge IoT PowerPlans

To help you get started with IoT, we have crafted the IoT PowerPlans: ready-to-go standardized IoT solutions that contain everything you and that you can customize the way you want.


We have three PowerPlan flavors:


  • Proof-of-Solution (CRAWL): designed to very quickly validate an idea, with a small number of IoT devices and only a few options. (Note: we prefer Proof-of-Solution rather than Proof-of-Concept, because this is what you need and will get: proof that your solution works).


  • Pilot (WALK): designed to test your IoT solution with a larger number of IoT devices, and more customization options. In a Pilot IoT PowerPlan, the functionality of your IoT solution wil be completely verified, to accomplish exactly what you wish to achieve.


  • Product (RUN): the IoT Device Building Blocks are already manufacturable as they are, but to take them into production as IoT devices, some final steps are required. In a Product IoT PowerPlan, your IoT solution is made ready for production, including all the certification and documentation involved.


The standard IoT PowerPlans can be enhanced with options to suit your specific needs. All IoT PowerPlans include:


  • Consultancy by our IoT professionals to get you started

  • The IoT devices, created with our IoT Device Building Blocks

  • Connection to an IoT Device Server

  • Online interaction (e.g. a webportal)

  • Connectivity and hosting

  • Product and installation documentation


AnyBridge offers IoT PowerPlan upgrade paths from Proof-of-Solution to Pilot and Product.

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